Why do cats follow strangers?
Throughout my childhood I didn’t have a particularly close bond with cats. Having been brought up on a farm, there were always cats around, enjoying themselves keeping the mice population under control and coming in when it was cold to have a nap by the warm fire. I enjoyed their presence and company, but nothing compared to the bond I have developed with cats in my adult life. The journey from rescuing an abandoned kitten to today where it seems I am a fairy godmother to all stray cats is bizarre – but a truly beautiful one. But is there a reason for this? Why do cats seem attracted to some people more than others? Are there any particular reasons why a cat would follow a complete stranger??
What makes a cat follow a stranger?
We already explored in an article ‘Why does my cat follow me on walks’ some of the reasons why a cat may follow their trusted owner. Some of the reasons noted may well also be reasons why a cat will also follow a complete stranger. These reasons can include:
For food or drink
This may be particularly applicable for a lost or abandoned cat. The need to eat in order to keep strong and alive is a primal urge. A hungry cat may well follow you in the hope of being fed. Following you can be their way of communicating ‘Hey, I’m here – I want something, can you see me, feed me!’. Adult cats very rarely communicate with each other by meow. Therefore, if following you around is accompanied with meowing then it is more likely to be a method of seeking attention from people to have their needs met!
To be stroked, shown affection and companionship
Sometimes we all just need a little affection and attention – and the same can be said for cats too. A lost cast may be missing the human interaction, a neighbouring cat may be aware that some humans love giving attention to cats. It may be a need for companionship, inquisitiveness or simply wanting some stroking that would cause a cat to follow a stranger. Depending on how much human interaction they have been previously exposed to, it may take some time for a feral cat to come close enough for some physical attention.
Marking their territory
Marking their territory is a natural instinct in cats. Cats will take a daily walk checking out of their usual area, marking the borders with their scents is a cat’s way of communication to other cats that this is their turf! A cat may follow a stranger and rub against them to ensure they are signalling to others that this is their area.
Feel safe and choosing to interact
Cats will respond best to strangers when they feel safe. Ironically, the person who tries to approach an unfamiliar cat is likely to be greeted with nothing, and very likely the cat will move away. When a cat feels safe, and unthreatened, they are much more likely to approach a stranger and interact with them.
Looking for a new owner
If a cat is lacking in its current home, either with lack or food or emotional needs, then they may well seek a new home. Following a stranger or checking out a new territory may be their way of finding somewhere new to call home.
Just being friends
As with humans, all cats have different personalities. Whilst some will be wary of people, others will make the most of any situation to follow and befriend a human. Following a stranger may be worth it for some extra attention or even some tasty treats!
Cats are energetically drawn to some people
Cats have often befriended certain people, in particular, the elderly and the lonely. These spiritually intuned animals are known to have visited a person and decided to stay with the person of their choice. The saying goes that you don’t own a cat rather the cat owns you! For centuries, cats have been recognised as energetically and spiritually enlightened animals. Cats are valued for their deep sense of independence and are loved for their ability to rest and relax contentedly without a care in the world. They do not appear to need us yet are happy to be with and share time with us.
Spiritual meaning of a cat turning up
Our article ‘The energetic power of cats and their spiritual meaning’ examines in quite some depth the significance of cats turning, up, their roles in engagement with humans, their energetic power and indeed their healing powers, both physically and emotionally. It is believed that a cat doesn’t simply turn up or follow a stranger randomly. There is a sense of purpose for their presence.
A cat reflects back to us it’s characteristics which show us specifically what is missing in our own lives or what we need to pay particular attention to. It can signify a need to be self-sufficient and to trust in ourselves. Also, it can imply a period of freedom, free from various boundaries and restrictions. The signs can indicate a need to spend time doing your own thing, ensuring your own needs are fulfilled
If a wild feral cat shows up this spiritually suggests the need to do something that is maybe a little on the wild side. Maybe something that is totally out of character that takes us out of ourselves in a safe way. It’s encouraging us to look at what and whom we are dependent on. It can be a good opportunity to revaluate what and who we need in our lives.
The old saying ‘A cat with 9 lives’ gives the view that cats are representing rebirth and resurrection. This association comes with their apparent capability of cheating death and having lucky escape several times.
You may also enjoy reading our article ‘Black cats – Facts, Myths, Superstitions and Tales’ which explores ancient and recent superstitions, myths and tales regarding various beliefs around cats.
What to do if a strange cat follows you?
Having established there could be many reasons, as listed above, as to why a cat will follow random people, what should you do if a strange cat follows you? Here are a few tips of what to do if a strange cat keeps following you or comes to your door:
A friendly neighbourhood cat
Please be mindful that this cat may belong to another family and it simply is a friendly cat. Some cats will be opportunistic and if they can get a second meal, they will be quite happy to be fed by two families. However, there may be special dietary requirements for the cat and feeding the wrong food could cause an upset tummy or other heath problems. Overfeeding can also contribute to obesity which itself can introduce many health issues. Ask your neighbours if they have a roaming outdoor cat to establish if the cat does have a home and is simply being friendly for some extra stroking.
Stray / lost cat
A stray cat is essentially the same as a lost cat. It is a domestic cat that has wandered away from its home or has become lost. They are not wild, feral cats. These cats once belonged to a family and were a pet. The best option is to take it to the vet to see if it has a chip. This may be the key to reuniting the cat with its owners. If there is no chip, and local enquires in finding the cats owners are futile, a stray or lost cat are usually successful in being rehomed.
Feral cats
A feral cat is likely to be cautious of people and more wary than a tame housecat. They are unlikely to become a household pet. Try leaving some food and water for them and is it also an idea to provide some sort of shelter to protect them from the elements. It may take time to build enough trust for a feral cat to let you come close to them, it may be something that never happens. The best way to help a feral cat is to seek advice from an organisation in your area that provides a Trap-Neuter-Return programme. Feral cats are caught using humane traps. They are then given a once over health check, surgically sterilised and then released back in their familiar environment. There are advantages and disadvantages to this programs and opinions vary.
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