What is a catio / cat enclosure?
A catio is an outdoor enclosure for cats. A patio for cats! It’s a safe enclosure that allows your cat healthy exercise time and the enrichment of outdoor stimulation whilst protecting them from outside dangers such as cars and poisons.
A little research on the Internet revealed that catios are a growing trend. Concerns regarding traffic, theft, diseases and neighbouring pets are a constant concern for cat owners therefore a catio provides a solution between protecting their pets yet allowing cats the freedom of enjoying the outdoors.
Benefits of a catio
Whether your cat is an indoor or outdoor cat there are many benefits to having a catio:
- A catio can provide an indoor cat with fresh air, exercise and outdoor adventure in a safe protected area.
- Safety from outside hazards such as poisons, vehicles, neighbouring cats and dogs.
- Reduce the costs and stress associated with injuries and diseases.
- Peace of mind that your cat is safe all the time.
- Protection for the birds and wildlife in your garden.
- Additional space if you have more than one cat.
- Ensures your cat stays in their own back yard and doesn’t wander into neighbour’s gardens.
- Make the catio an area for you and your cat to enjoy together!
- Reduces the need for cattery use if you need to go away for a short break.
Considerations of a catio
When planning your catio, be it a self build project or a ready bought catio there are a few features that need careful consideration:
- Catio access: access can be through a window, door, a cut in the wall, tunnel or simply carry your cat to the enclosure.
- Location: consider views, sun exposure and other simulating activities for your cat.
- Size and type of catio: how many cats will be using the catio? Smaller scale catios can include above ground window box enclosures, larger ground level catios can be attached to your home or a freestanding cat enclosure in your garden.
- Escape proof – the catio needs to be escape proof! The roof can either be covered or all wire or a combination.
- Door – you will need access to the catio as well as your cat! Consider where it is most convenient.
- Floor – Several options available including grass, wood or wood chips, paving slabs. A larger catio can provide an opportunity to provide multiple textures for your cat to enjoy – including some grass! Our cats both enjoy sunbathing on a terracotta pot simply filled with grass.
Build your own catio
Catios can be simple and inexpensive or elaborate and luxurious – whatever suits you, and your cats needs. They can be built in unused spaces or transform an existing patio to a catio where you can share the space. The key feature of building your own catio is good planning! Take time to design your catio, measure up then order all the materials before hand. To have an insight into how we built our catio please see our story at then end of this article.
Ready made catios
If you are not a DIY fan, then do not fear! There are plenty of ready to buy catios and enclosures. There are also companies that offer a bespoke design, supply and fit service for your catio requirements too.
What should I include in the catio?
Once the basic construction is built then the fun begins on choosing items to put in the catio to ensure comfort, safety and fun for your feline friends! The choice is endless and there is something for every budget. There are certain items that are essential to ensure the catio is a fun and safe environment for your cat.
Providing shade for your cat is very important, be it a cat dome shelter or a small bench to sit under. A canvas or shade cloth can also be used to cover a section of your catio. Here are a few of our favourite shelter finds:
Petsfit Outdoor/Indoor Cat Shelter –
Product Dimensions: 19.7 x 19.7 x 20.9 inches
This is an easy to assemble shelter with a back door escape route. This will fit one cat (under 15lb).
Petmate Kitty Kat Condo
This kitty shelter has a carpeted floor for warmth and to encourage scratching for healthier claws. It is easy to wipe clean and the non porus surface discourages fleas and pests. The structural foam insulation keeps cats warm in winter and cool in the summer. the carpeted floor provides warmth and comfort.
Product Dimensions: 26 x 25.3 x 18.5 inches
Entertainment & Stimulation
Cat toys, scratching post, perches, climbing shelves – the list is endless. A natural tree branch provides a great scratching post and climbing fun. A view of a feeding birds can offer hours of free entertainment. A piece of string or windchime fluttering in the breeze is another cheap but effective stimulation – you don’t have to spend a fortune to be creative. Consider items that are weather proof if you don’t want to be moving toys into shelter every night. You can even add a chair or bench for yourself if space allows so you can enjoy some relaxing and quality time with your cat.
This tunnel is a great example, shelter, a hiding place and a fun toy to play with.
Outdoor Cat Tunnel, This tunnel is secure, potable and durable and other fun combinations can be added to it.
Fresh water
Ensure there is always fresh water in the catio for your cat. Check out our article explaining the importance of water to our feline friends in detail.
Litter tray
Your cat will need a litter box in the catio. It can easily be placed so your cat has privacy, place behind a cat friendly plant or behind a bench.
Ensure you opt for cat safe plants for your catio. Many plants are poisonous to cats. Wheat grass, catnip, basil or simply grass planted in a pot are always safe choices.
Avoid leaving food or treats in the catio as this will attract rodents.
Finally…..introducing your cat to their new catio
Give your cat time to explore their new surroundings. Keep the atmosphere calm and stress free – allow them to be able to wander back to familiar safe surroundings if they are nervous. If you have accommodated room for you in the catio too, take the time to sit and relax and let them explore their new surroundings with the comfort that you are there too.
To ensure continued enjoyment and stimulation for your cats we recommend that every few months items are moved around, and new items are added. This will prevent boredom and frustration.
We can 100% say that building our catio was one of the best things we have done. Misty and Boo are happy using their catio and its great fun adding items that we think they will enhance their catio experience. Here is our catio story:
Our catio story
Here we were, excitedly planning for our holiday, but all our daughter could think about was who would take care of the cats! Misty is an outside cat but returns home early evening to sleep and Boo is an indoor cat (both settled and happy in their very own cat caravan!). Misty responds well to our callings that it’s supper time, both then secure and safe in their caravan for the night and we all sleep soundly! Therefore the idea of leaving them for a week was filled with worries of what if Misty didn’t come back, what it the caravan got too warm for Boo …….hence the idea of a catio was born! Misty and Boo would be safe while we were away – peace of mind for our neighbours where they were when it was feeding time, no cattery costs and the worries of them settling in a new environment yet still having fresh air, basking in the sun and room to play!
Our catio build – including catio building tips and pictures
Our catio needed to be built as an extension to our static caravan where our cats live. Measurements for our catio are:
Height 2.1 metres Length 3.5 metres Width 2.4 metres
Step 1.Foundation and base
Firstly, ensure an even solid base for your catio. Cats can escape through very small spaces therefore ensure no possible escape routes. We used a combination of railway sleepers and stones. Ensure that the base on which you are building the catio is even and sound. A good solid foundation will ensure your catio lasts a long time.
Step 2 .- Building the catio frame
Two side frames and one front frame were built using softwood.
Step 3. – Paining and erecting
The frames were painted in a wood preserving paint then erected. Additional bars were built for the roof area and cross braces were built on the corners to ensure construction is strong enough to withstand harsh winds.
Step 4. Base
Clean stones were laid on the base.
Step 5. Wire
Before fixing the chicken wire, a third and final coat of paint was applied to the frame. It is much easier to paint the wood frame before the wire is installed. Chicken wire was then attached to all panels – including the roof. This can be tricky and it is essential that it is fixed on tightly.
Step 6. Door
The door was then constructed using the same principles. For added security we added a padlock.
Step 7. Finishing touches
Once the catio is constructed and secure it can be filled with all the essentials and comforts needed to make it a haven for your cats.
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