Welsh names for cats! And their meanings! Enwau Cymraeg i gathod!
Choosing a name for your kitten or cat is as important as choosing a name for your child (in our opinion!). Their name often describes their look or personality. Choosing a name that has special cultural connections can be an important factor too. Here we have compiled a list of our favourite Welsh names for your cats, together with a brief explanation of the meaning of the name or its origin.
Firstly, a list of the finest Welsh names for the male cats.
Welsh names for male cats
Abel A beautiful biblical name, Abel was the second son of Adam and Eve.
Alffi A shortened version of Alfred.
Afan This is the name of many rivers, and the name of a 6th century saint.
Amos Another biblical name beginning with A. From the Hebrew meaning “carried”.
Arthur This boy’s name of Celtic origin means ‘bear’, perfect for a boisterous, strong male kitty!
Barri The Welsh version of Barry – pronounced the same, just one different letter in the spelling.
Bedwyr A knight called Bedwyr threw King Arthur’s sword Excalibur into the lake – does your kitty have the same daring attributes?
Bleddyn This is an old name Welsh name with past princes and bards owning this name. Blaidd means wolf.
Brychan This is a name for a confident cat, full of presence. Brychan Brycheiniog was a 5th century prince who had many children, many of them saints.
Cadwaladr It may seem a long name but for a strong male cat a strong name is needed and Cadwaladr is a combination of words meaning battle and ruler.
Caio This is a name derived from Latin meaning to rejoice. Caius, Gaius and Kaius are original Latin forms of Caio.
Dafi A shortened version of ‘Dafydd’ which is David in English.
Dai Another version of ‘Dafydd’, a nice short name which is easy to call when you need to call your cat home.
Daniel I think this is a fabulous name for a male cat. Of Hebrew origin it means ‘God has judged’.
Dewi An ideal name for a Welsh cat born in March as Saint David (Dewi Sant) is the patron saint of Wales. This day is celebrated on the 1st March every year.
Eurig Got a golden coloured cat? Eurig derives from the word ‘Aur’ which means Gold. ‘Euron’ and ‘Euros’ are similar names and for a female cat ‘Eurwen’ is a beautiful equivalent name.
Ffranc A good strong male name, pronounced the same as the English equivalent ‘Frank’. Originates from the name ‘Francis’.
Gruffudd Many a Welsh king have been named Gruffudd as well as many Welsh princes and poets. Derived from words meaning grip, strong and lord it certainly is a strong name for a strong tomcat. Can also be spelt as Gruffydd.
Gwgan An unusual name but once a King of Ceredigion it certainly is a name with stature and importance.
Gwrgan Another royal name dating back to the 11th century, Gwrgan was a prince. We thought the pronunciation of this name sounded so much like the purring of a cat, we felt it needed to be included in this list of top Welsh names for cats!
Gwyn Those who have a white male cat may wish to name their cat Gwyn which means white, blessed or fair.
Harri A slightly different spelling to the English ‘Harry’, it’s an easy name to call out when it’s feeding time!
Hopcyn We like this name – no particular reason – just seems a fun name and perfect for a male cat. The name originates from a Flemish name, it’s English equivalent would be ‘Hopkin’.
Huwcyn A diminutive of the name ‘Huw’ (Hugh) which means soul, mind or intellect, the name has a lovable warmth to it.
Idris This traditional Welsh name shares it name with one of the most famous and beautiful mountains in the Snowdonia national park, Cader Idris.
Iorweth Another old Welsh name meaning handsome Lord.
Llew Is your cat a little ferocious? Llew is the welsh name for lion!
Llwyd Got a grey coloured cat? Llwyd means grey!
Macsen From the Latin name ‘Maximus’ this name certainly has presence about it.
Matholwch The Mabinogion is a collection of ancient Welsh mythological tales and the name Matholwch is in one of the tales. He was the Kind of Ireland who married Branwen in the second tale of the Mabinogi.
Melfyn Cats will often be our best friends and so the name Melfyn meaning ‘chief or sword friend’ is a very apt name for a cat.
Pedr The Welsh version of ‘Peter’, this biblical name is a poplar name throughout centuries of Welsh history.
Samson Another biblical name of Hebrew origin, with the same spelling and pronunciation in both Welsh and English, this is a fine name for a strong cat.
Sioni The name ‘Sioni’ and similary ‘Sionyn’ are variant on the name ‘Sion’. The English name for Siôn is John.
Tegid Like the girl’s name ‘Tegan’, Tegid derives from the word fair. It’s also the name of an 8th century king of Brecon.
Telor Is your cat vocal? Have they a tuneful meow? Telori means to sing and so ‘Telor’ would be the perfect name.
Tomos This is the Welsh spelling for Thomas – and what better name than ‘Tom’ or ‘Tomos’ for a tomcat!
Twm This is quite a popular choice in Wales for a male cat. A diminutive of ‘Tomos’.
If your cat is female, we also have a list of truly beautiful names to choose from.

Welsh names for female cats
Blodwen A perfect name for a perfect little girl kitty. The word ‘blodau’ means flowers and ‘gwen’ mean blessed.
Beti This short sweet name is a shortened version on Elizabeth.
Cati Derived from the popular Welsh name Catrin, Cati means pure.
Celyn For a little fur baby born in the Winter months how about this name which is the Welsh for Holly.
Ceridwen If I had a black cat I would call her Ceridwen! According to Welsh legends, Ceridwen was a white witch or goddess, and is considered to be the goddess of poetry, inspiration and of the cauldron of transfiguration.
Del ‘Del’ means pretty in Welsh therefore a perfect name if you think your cat is the prettiest of them all.
Dwysan Many of us will know how intense a cat’s personality can be and therefore Dwysan, meaning intense and profound, can be the perfect name for a deep, wise, kitty with an old soul.
Ebrilla Kitten born in April? The welsh for April is Ebrill and two beautiful names deriving from ‘Ebrill’ is ‘Ebrilla’ or ‘Ebrillwen’.
Eira Moving on to the winter months, Eira means Snow. Great name for a white kitty or one born on a day of snowfall.
Glain Meaning ‘jewel’, perfect name for a beautiful previous female.
Gwen A short but sweet name meaning white, fair, blessed, holy. ‘Gwenno’ is a diminutive of ‘Gwen’, both very sweet names for sweet little kitties.
Hafwen With ‘Haf’ meaning summer and ‘wen’ meaning white, this name is perfect for a light or white female cat.
Heini The name ‘Heini’, which means active and fit, is a name that is suitable for both a boy a girl cat.
Lili A beautiful name pronounced the same as in English, Lilly. ‘Lilwen’ is a similar name meaning white lily.
Mabli Another of my favourite names for a female cat, derived from the Latin name for lovable.
Malen A name of Spanish origin meaning ‘maiden’.
Modlen A very popular Welsh name for a female cat.
Mursen This is the name of the cat in the much loved Welsh reading books for young children about Rala Rwdins, a frienldy witch, and her friends.
Seren If your kitty is a superstar in your eyes then this is the name -Seren means Star!
Siani A diminutive of the name ‘Siân’ which means ‘Jane’ in English and is the feminine form of ‘Siôn’.
Siriol Does your cat always seem happy, content and cheerful? Siriol means cheerful and this cheery name would be perfect for a cheery cat.
Tegan Although the name Tegan means toy in Welsh, the word also derives from fair. It refers also to an early Saint and a river in Ceredigion!
Tesni A cute name for a cute kitty. With this name meaning warmth this is a great name for a little bundle that likes lots of snuggles.
Recommended books
If you have enjoyed discovering the meaning of these various Welsh names you may enjoy the following books:
And finally, a really fun book that we think every cat owner should have:
Happy reading!
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