The energetic power of cats and their spiritual meaning
For centuries cats have been prized for the independent companionship they have provided humans. Legends and myths have created the image of mad cat ladies and black magical cats owned by cauldron stirring witches, with cats themselves indeed acclaimed for casting spells.
But are cats energetically powerfully? Do they have skills beyond that which most of us know?
The Healing Power Of Stroking a Cat
Cats have befriended the elderly & the lonely. They will visit and stay with the person of their choice and anyone’s claims to ownership are disputed by none more than the cat itself. The saying goes that you don’t own a cat rather the cat owns you! If you don’t treat your cat right they will certainly go and find a new home.
Cats are indeed therapeutic to have as pets for the healing power of stroking . Stroking your cat releases oxytocin – the feel good hormone which improves your mood and helps you release any stress and tension you are holding in your physical body . We all know the benefit of cuddles and cuddling your cat is no exception. Aim to stroke your cat every day, ideally 2-3 times a day, to significantly feel a difference in your physical wellbeing and improve your ability to relax and switch off.
Cats enjoy a good fuss and stroking too. Pay extra attention to under their chin, behind their ears, rubbing their neck and massaging their cheeks. These spots will have your cat purring with delight.
The Healing Power Of Purring
Many people love and are drawn to the beautiful sound of cats purring and for good reason. They find cat purring soothing, relaxing and comforting especially when a cat really gets into its musical rhythm.
Science has proved that a cats purr has a beneficial effect on human health. A cat purrs at a vibrational rate of 20-140 hertz. When we humans experience a vibrational rate of 18-35 hertz an hour, science has shown a healing effect on joint mobility, bones, tendons and muscles. The release of endorphins activated by a cats purring has also been found to assist in soothing pain.
So next time your cat comes and sits on your lap and starts it’s musical purring enjoy and reap the benefits of its therapeutic abilities for 10-20 minutes. There’s no excuse now to feel guilty about spending time with your cat as it’s truly a healing, and scientifically proven, beneficial experience.
Cats and Earth Energies
Earth Energies are naturally occurring vibrational rates. Their flow and rate differentiate between different places. This earth energy can travel positively or negatively along different earth pathways, for example, ley lines, which are said to be the meridian energy pathways of the earth.
These earth energies in a negative capacity can cause Geopathic stress. The science of geopathic stress has been shown to have a negative effect on human health causing disruptions in the natural process of human recharging and self healing. This natural process only takes place at night whilst we sleep. This is why uninterrupted restful sleep is a must to be fit, happy and health. Unfortunately Geopathic stress disrupts this.
So how can my cat help me detect Geopathic stress?
Cats, alongside snakes, bees, wasps and ants are great at showing us areas of Geopathic stress. Larger mammals in contrast, alternatively and instinctively, pick areas of good earth energy to lie down, rest and sleep in. Animals are more aware, and naturally pick up the energy of different places which our five human senses fail to detect.
Cats are highly sensitive to areas of geopathic stress and actually enjoy and find it beneficial to sit in these areas. Cats are in fact not harmed by sitting in negative geopathic stress areas. Have you ever wondered why your cat likes to sit in weird and odd places? Well this is why!
Unlike humans, geopathic stress does not drain a cat’s physical energy or reduce its cellular capacity. It does not leave cats tired and exhausted.
Please note that not all places a cat sits in will be a place of geopathic stress especially if your home is in an area of positive earth energies.
Am I experiencing signs of geopathic stress & can my cat help me?
Symptoms of Geopathic stress as experienced by humans include prolonged episodes of insomnia, constant restless sleep, extreme anxiety and poor health. In children it can show itself by persistent bedwetting and repeated sleep walking. A good indication of geopathic stress is if your health declines after moving to a new home. Earnest Hartmann MD conducted early research into geopathic stress nearly a century ago which indicated that illness is a problem of geopathic location.
If you feel you have a possibility of geopathic stress being present in your home and you own a cat, it is important to keep a watchful eye on where your cat sits and to investigate it further . Contact a dowser local to your area as they are trained to investigate and rectify geopathic stress in homes. Dogs in contrast are known to avoid areas of geopathic stress, hence the saying ‘sleep where your dog sleeps but don’t sit where your cat sits’.
The Energetic Significance Of Cats
Cats for years have been revered as energetically and spiritually enlightened animals. They are respected for their deep sense of independence and are admired for their ability to rest and relax contentedly without a care in the world. They do not appear to need us, yet are happy to be with and share time with us.
Why are cats energetically important?
All cats, including domestic and larger cats like bobcats, leopards, pumas, lions and tigers, are said to have come from the star system of Orion which is known for its wisdom and enlightenment . Cats naturally and energetically spread wisdom and peace by their very presence. Their divine knowing can be sensed and intuitively picked up by humans . They are here to show us how to truly relax and how to physically move with stealth and balance. This is their healing gift to us as humans if we choose to listen.
The role of domestic cats
Domestic cats keep our homes clear of low negative energies by transmuting it’s negative impact upon us. (In cases of extreme geopathic stress additional support is also needed).
Cats are historically known for their psychic and intuitive abilities which they naturally use to impart their deep sense of wisdom to us. They always seem to know where their owners are at all times and will often be sat waiting for us at our moment of return home as if they knew the exact time of our arrival. This is evidence of the psychic abilities of your cat.
As discussed above, cats purring and the act of stroking our cat additionally provides a beneficial healing experience.
The role of wild cats
Wild cats, thank goodness, are not here to help in our homes! But they do play an important role in the care of our planet, keeping their territories free of the lower energies in a similar way domestic cats do in our houses. They spend their time healing the negative energies of the earth.
Big cats specifically are also acclaimed for keeping away unwanted visitors from our planet.
The spiritual role of big wild cats
Black cats are said to be spiritual leaders in service to assist humans in raising their vibration. The escapes, we so often hear of of these beautiful creatures, from zoos and wildlife parks are said to be organised by spiritual beings to allow their presence to spread worldwide, and to areas not naturally their habitat. We often hear of reported sightings of elusive big black cats that are seen periodically but never captured.
Lions with their regal connections historically by the side of rulers and monarchs, have a close intuitive alignment with their crown and throat chakras. Lions are sensitive to higher universal energies and actively communicate and heal with their thunderous roar which is absorbed energetically into the earth . In addition to clearing & balancing negative energies in their territories they protect our planet, their roar warning others to keep away.
Tigers also roar to keep unwanted visitors away, but as deeply psychic cats they have come here with specific soul missions. They actively love water and with large, all feeling hearts come to spread love and generosity where ever they are. We all love a tiger and it is interesting to note we never feel unkindly towards this big cat as we may do to others of the same species.
Angels Connected To Cats
Like all creatures certain Angels connect and work with different species. When we are working with cats or want to call in angelic assistance for them there are three angels we can call upon.
Cats work with Archangel Raphael with their healing work that assists humans and the planet . Archangel Jophiel works closely with lion members of the cat family supporting them in bringing down energies from different star solar systems. We can also call upon Archangel Fhelyai and St Francis of Assisi who both work closely in assisting animals in general.
The Spiritual Significance Of A Cat Crossing Your Path
So energetically we can see that cats have a important role to play in their interaction with ourselves and the planet. If we do not own a cat we can still be affected by its presence on an energetic world level in its protection and healing of the earth , but also in its connection with us when cats cross our path bringing us a personal message. Traditionally cats in Britain, especially black cats, have always been viewed as bringers of Good Luck when they cross our path. Similar traditions exist worldwide and throughout history.
Worldwide significance of cats
Traditionally in Japan, the cat Neko is seen as bringing good luck financially to its owner as it beckons in financial wealth.
In Ancient Rome & Egypt cats were sacred, revered and worshipped. In Ancient Rome the cat belonged to Diane, the moon goddess and was a befitting companion for her with its night time vision. It was also considered then as a guardian and protector of homes. In ancient Egypt a cat goddess was worshipped, personified as half cat and half women. This cat deity was called Bastet and there were severe penalties for those who mistreated cats to any degree.
However, cats are also considered unlucky in some cultures. For example in Europe it is considered unlucky if one crosses your path, and in Germany unlucky if it crosses your path from right to left.
If a cat shows up what does it mean?
A cat reflects back to us it’s characteristics which show us specifically what is missing in our own lives or what we need to pay particular attention to.
A cat shows us the need to be self sufficient and to trust in ourselves and our capabilities in looking after ourselves. It is suggesting a period of freedom, free from the boundaries of relationship restrictions. A time and space to go off and do our own thing & fulfill our own needs, a need to release ourselves from our life as it is presently.
A cat is also a sensual mover and adept at balance and jumping and springing. It is therefore suggested that when it shows up that a hobby or pastime that embraces these qualities, like dancing, gymnastics or trampolining, would be beneficial physically.
If a wild feral cat shows up it is spiritually suggesting the need to do something wild and out of character, something that takes us out of ourselves in a safe way. It’s encouraging us to look at what and whom we are dependent on and reevaluate if we need them in our lives and if they are of benefit to us. It may be that we need to consider taking a few risks. Cats are often viewed as representing rebirth and resurrection. This association comes with the fact that cats are considered to have nine lives which gives them the apparent capability of cheating death and having lucky escapes.
Cat as your power animal
We each have a special connection to one or more animals. We all know individually if we are a cat or a dog person but it may be that we have a special connection to any of the animals that exist worldwide. For some people this special connection is with cats. We all know people who adore and live cats to the extent that they have many as pets and often look after many more.
If cat is your power animal you will have a stronger affinity to cat characteristics and will often think and act in a catlike way. You will enjoy your own company beyond the normal measure of most and know yourself very well without the need to confer with others for advice or guidance. You will be introspective and independant. You will more often than not be a night owl preferring to work at night. You will move gracefully and elegantly as cats do, being light of foot and with great physical balance. You will be naturally sensuous and like to be physically caressed. At times you will come across a little arrogant and slightly self absorbed, sometimes oblivious to those around you. You will make loyal friendships for life.
Communicating With Your Cat
Talking and communicating with your cat is potentially easy as relationships between owners and cats are strong. There is a special bond in any relationship between an owner and their cat. It is a relationship of equality and mutual respect and not being bound to each other out of duty and need.
- Sit quietly with your cat and rest your hand gently upon her.
- Calm your breathing.
- Tune into your cat by clearing your mind and concentrating on your cat.
- Thank your cat for everything it does for you, for it’s protection and love of yourself, and your home .
- Allow space for your cat to respond . It may simply be an awareness of an acknowledgement or a thought that enters your head that you know is not your own. Practice up to this point on several occasions – it may take a few times to establish the firm fact you wish to communicate. You may be ignored a few times first as they accept your request.
- When communication is established ask your cat to do things for you like lift its head or place its paw as validation of the communication.
- Talk to your cat and enjoy its communication regularly . Respect the wisdom you receive and explain why you choose to ignore any guidance received so you don’t upset your cat. Always remember to ask your cat if it needs anything from you or if you can assist in any small way.
- Thank your cat for communicating with you and give it a treat.
And as we know if we love our cat they will love us always in return and that’s what makes our relationships with our cats energetically special & loving . Enjoy your time with your cat as energetically they are very aware and very psychic and can bring enormous benefits to our lives if we give them energetically the space to do so .