Reiki for cats: everything you need to know
Having benefitted from reiki myself, as well as other complementary therapies, it ignited an interest in discovering if this was a viable option in the animal world, and in particular, on cats. I always feel better after a session – more relaxed, calmer, niggly aches and pains ease and disappear, and I generally feel more energised and positive afterwards.
Please note: Reiki treatment should never replace the advice of your vet if your cat is sick or injured, instead it should be seen as a complementary therapy to work alongside modern medicine.
What is reiki?
Reiki (pronounced ray-key) originates from Japan and in Japanese is means ‘universal life energy’. “Rei” means ‘spirit’ and “ki” means ‘energy’. It is a gentle hands-on healing technique that is completely safe and natural, non-invasive with no side effects. The practitioner heals by placing hands directly on the body and this light touch channels healing energy from the hands to the body. The healing is based on focusing on the flow of energy through the energy centres of the body – the chakras. Sometimes these energy centres become blocked, but reiki healing can re-open them to rebalance and clear the energy flow. Reiki aims for perfect energetic balance by finding the root of the problem and then supporting energetic harmony through clearing the flow of energy and re-balancing. It can be used alongside medical care and in conjunction with other holistic techniques. Reiki can relieve side effects and promote recovery.
Can reiki be used on cats?
Reiki can be practised on cats, on any animal, in the same way as humans. All cats are different but generally, cats react well to reiki healing. Cats respond well to the gentle touch that a reiki session brings, and they seem especially sensitive to this energy. As cat owners we are fully aware that cats tend to live life on their terms and they will soon let us know if something is not for them.
Some of the conditions that reiki can help cats with include:
- An injury
- Allergies
- Anxiety and behavioural issues
- Epilepsy
- Osteoarthritis
- Asthma or lung disorders
Some cat owners have also found reiki healing helpful and comforting to aid a calming and peaceful passing when the end of time has come for their beloved cat.
As with humans you don’t have to be injured or sick to benefit from reiki, it can be used to maintain general good health and well-being, and as a preventative method of helping keeping bugs and illnesses at bay.
Reiki can be given safely to any cat regardless of breed, age or size.
Benefits of reiki for cats
Speed healing after surgery or illness. An operation or an illness can put the body under stress. Reiki can ease side effects of medications and also relax and support the body to encourage the body’s healing mechanisms.
Alleviate pain. Reiki can help relieve pain, both mild and severe pain.
Improve behaviour problems and anxiety issues. Reiki induces relaxation which in turn reduces stress and anxiety. Stress can trigger behaviour problems.
Maintain and improve general well-being. Your cat does not have to be ill or injured to receive reiki treatment. Reiki sessions can help maintain balance and well-being as well as removing any imbalances or blockages before they manifest into illness.
Comfort and relaxation. Reiki can provide greater comfort to your cat and a feeling of being safe. It promotes relaxation, sometimes to the point of falling asleep in a session.
Complement cancer treatment. Chemotherapy and radiotherapy can cause unpleasant side effects. Reiki can help ease these symptoms and support pain relief whilst strengthening the immune system.
Comfort and pain relief for terminally ill cats. Both cats and their owners can feel pain, anxiety and fear when a much-loved pet is coming to the end of their days. Reiki can help both through this sad, difficult time in allowing a calm, gentle passing.
How does reiki work?
The basis of reiki is all about energy. Energy is all around us and is found in everything.
Chakras are energy centres. They exist throughout the body. They work together to keep the energy in our bodies flowing smoothly. The work chakra means “wheel of light” and they are sometimes known as the main energy centres.
Cats have chakras just like us humans. Humans have 7 chakras, but cats have one extra chakra making a total of 8. When there is an emotional problem or a physical illness some of the chakras may become blocked and energy will then not flow freely through the body. During a reiki session, the chakras will be checked for such blockages. Once cleared and rebalanced, your cat can move forward from past traumas and emotions, or from an injury or illness, and will help the cat’s own body to heal quicker.
Reiki can help heal physical, emotional, mental or physical pains and stress. The practitioner will place his or her hands on the cat’s body with an intention for the reiki energy to flow and heal.
The gentle energy of Reiki can help cats to cope better with life’s challenges. They will decide if, and how much energy they need. If they do not wish to receive Reiki, or once they have received enough energy, it will simply stop flowing as they will no longer draw it from the Practitioner.
What would happen to your cat in a reiki session?
Your chosen reiki practitioner will explain what he or she will do in the session and will no doubt be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.
A session for pets can typically last between 15 and 30 minutes, totally dependent of course on how much energy your cat is willing to accept. Before the reiki treatment will start, the practitioner will discuss in detail the cat’s history, lifestyle, why reiki is required, any diagnosis and any other information that the practitioner feels is needed in order to decide how best to proceed. Initially some cats may prefer energy healing from a distance, across the room, rather than having hands directly on them. Whilst some cats will be wary of strangers some may be more than happy snuggling on the practitioner’s lap. The important issue is that your cat is in a comfortable calm state, there is no need to hold her down or force anything. Energy will flow to wherever it needs to.
Some cats become relaxed during a session and may fall asleep where as others will become energised. Being very intuitive cats seem to know when they have received enough energy and will simply get up and walk away. Some experience reiki as a warm flow of energy, sometimes a tingling sensation whilst for some it may be a cool sensation. It is also perfectly normal for some not to experience any sensation at all during the session.
The frequency of sessions will vary according to what your cat needs and the underlying health issues. Some health problems may be easily resolved in a couple of sessions where another may require a lot more.
Whatever the issue, reiki is a gentle, safe treatment. It is non-diagnostic, no intervention, it is not manipulative and there is no pressure applied. It has been noted that cats are very receptive to this form of healing as they are so much more aware of this energetic transmission than us humans.
Some practitioners may be able to offer a home visit as your cat is more likely to be calmer generally in the familiarity of home comfort.
Distance healing
Reiki can also be provided via distance or remote healing. This means the practitioner can heal your cat without having physically be present.
How does distance healing work?
Remote healing is best explained through the principles of Quantum physics. Think of the wireless mechanism of mobile phones and remote controls, distance healing is essentially the same in that the energy for healing travels. Each living being, be it a human or an animal has a unique frequency. The practitioner will connect into that frequency at the beginning of the session and then send healing energy to the recipient.
There are several benefits to distance healing:
- Geographical challenges. There simply may not be a reiki practitioner qualified in treating animals located close enough to where you live.
- Your cat may be nervous of strangers. Some cats just aren’t comfortable enough around strangers.
- No travelling required. Travelling with a cat can bring its own set of challenges (so much so that we have a whole article dedicated to preparing your cat to travel – even short distances!). Healing whilst your cat remains calm in their familiar surrounding will be less stressful for you and your cat.
- Very effective. In some cases, practitioners believe that distance healing can be more effective than hands on healing.
- Emergency situation. Remote sessions can often be arranged quicker and at shorter notice and can be particularly effective in an emergency.
- Busy humans. Some of us juggle many things – work, pets, children, life in general – a remote sessions can allow the full benefits of reiki healing to be experienced without having to organise the logistics of physically attending a session.
Is there proof that reiki works?
There is considerable scientific research supporting reiki healing for humans but very little research on animal reiki. New research is continually being undertaken and there is an increasing use of reiki in the animal world. Some veterinary nurses and surgeons now offer reiki along side their general practice services. It is also very commonly used now in many rescue centres in the US, Canada and Australia. Its usage is also extending to healing horses – in sanctuaries, stables and horse racing stables.
Interest in animal reiki, and other complementary therapies continues to grow. Positive results from reiki on humans is driving the interest and demand.
How to find a reiki healer?
If you have used, or know, a reiki practitioner or any other holistic therapist, they may be able to recommend or know of a reiki healer that works with animals.
To find a Reiki practitioner in your area the Animal Reiki Source may be able to help. Their website is www.animalreikisource.com
If you are in the UK, the Reiki Federation may be able to guide you. Their details can be found on www.reikifed.co.uk
Trust your instinct and choose a practitioner that you are drawn to. Cats are very sensitive to various energies and they will soon make it clear if the healer is not for them.
Can you become a reiki healer?
To become a certified reiki practitioner, you will need to find a course run by a reiki teacher near you. Being able to help others and to be able to connect to animals can be a rewarding and fulfilling personal development. Your intuition will become stronger and it will assist your own healing too. To become an animal reiki practitioner, a certificate for human reiki is required as well as being confident with animals. Training will include developing the skills for understanding animal body language, animal behaviour and animal handling.
But if training to become a reiki healer is not for you, then you can still begin to experience the power of healing by just creating loving, deep, positive intentions for your cat.
Reiki for animals is increasing in use due to many reasons:
- It is safe,
- gentle and relaxing,
- non-invasive.
- The animals are in control at all times,
- reiki always works for the animal’s higher good,
- and it can be done remotely.
Reiki promotes the body’s natural self-healing process. Is it not a substitute for veterinary care, but a therapy to use alongside modern medicine in order to promote the natural healing of the body.
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