Is it ok to use second-hand items for your cat? Cat tree? Scratching post? Food & water bowls? Cat bed? Cat carrier?
Becoming more environmentally friendly is becoming a key factor in many of our lifestyle choices. We have already touched upon many ways we can become a more environmentally friendly cat owners in the article ’10 ways to become a green, environmentally friendly, eco friendly cat owner’. The article covers topics such as eco-friendly cat litter, making your own cat toys and upcycling objects for your cats to use and enjoy.
In this article we will specifically explore whether it is okay to use various second-hand items for your cat. Using second-hand items can be cheaper and sometimes free items may be available. It produces less waste but will our cats use them? Can any odours or scents of previous cats upset our cats? Keeping our cats happy and healthy is the top priority of cat owners therefore achieving the perfect balance of happiness and recycling is key.
Can I use a second-hand litter tray for my cat?
There are mixed views about using second-hand litter trays for your cat. Some will state that as they are made of plastic, they can be cleaned thoroughly to get rid of any odours or traces of previous cats. Others believe that is it very difficult to completely eliminate the scent traces of another cat. If you do decide to use a second-hand litter tray, clean the tray thoroughly with a detergent. Follow this then with disinfecting the tray and then leave outside to dry in the sun for as long as possible.
Another alternative is to buy large plastic storage containers. Buying these new can be very inexpensive and can make perfect litter boxes.
Can I use second-hand toys for my cat?
A key factor with second-hand toys is that they have more than likely already been played with a great deal. This could have resulted in the toys becoming damaged or parts becoming loose. Checking the condition of the toys from a safety perspective is paramount. Any plastic toys can be cleaned thoroughly but bear in mind that scratched, bitten and scuffed plastic can harbour bacteria and pathogens that are not visible to the naked human eye. A deep clean with disinfectant will be needed.
Any toys which have any kind of material on them is likely to have the previous cat’s scent left on them. This scent can stay on items for a very long time. These objects, which often have a noise element to them, or features such as feathers and ribbon, may not be suitable to be washed thoroughly. Removing the residual scent may then be very difficult.
Cat toys can be purchased at very good value for money. Even better, the best cat toys are very often ones that can be made at home using everyday left-over items! Check out our article ’18 games to play with your cat’ for simple, effective ideas. An empty cardboard box ,scrunched up newspaper or tying a feather to a piece of string can provide endless fun for your cat.
Can I use a second-hand cat tree for my cat?
The main factors to consider when buying or acquiring a second-hand cat tree are:
- Odours from previous cats. Cats have a very well-developed sense of smell and depend on scent for communication. These specific scents can last a long time and are unique to each cat. A cat tree with odours of a strange cat may result in your cat marking the cat tree with their urine. Any items with coverings of carpet, material, sisal and so forth will be more difficult to clean compared to a plastic or rubber item.
- Viruses, fleas and bacteria can survive for periods of time in carpet and materials, and could easily be transferred to your home. Items would need to be deep cleaned and thoroughly inspected.
- A wobbly, or damaged cat tree could result in your cat having an injury. Cat trees need to be completely safe – this means being sturdy with no damage. Consider also whether the cat tree can handle the weight, and number of cats in your household that may use the cat tree.
In our opinion, a cat tree is an investment. It is so important that it is safe and sturdy and the benefits that your cat will have from using it will far outweigh the cost. Have a read of our articles ‘Does my cat need a cat tree’ to learn more about the uses and benefits of a cat tree.
Can I use a second-hand scratch post for my cat?
Scratching serves several purposes for a cat. These reasons include:
- Scratching helps cats to remove the dead, worn outer layers of their claws. This makes way for new, sharper claws. Cat claws will grow throughout the life of your cat and therefore will need regular attention.
- Scratching also provides a good body stretch and loosens their feet and claws.
- It is also a method of marking their territory. The scratching leaves a visual mark and a scent which is released from the scent glands in their paws.
- The process of scratching can also be an emotional release for cats, be that happy, excited, stressed or anger.
Many of the factors discussed above when considering a second hand cat tree, also apply to a scratch post. Scratch posts consist of materials such as sisal and carpet and therefore difficult to completely eliminate scent traces of previous cats. The scratch posts may possibly be worn and won’t provide the full benefit when scratching. Purchasing a new scratch post for your cat is recommended. Check out our guide on choosing a scratching post for your cat; Why do cats need a scratching post?
Some cats may have a preference for wood as a scratching materials. Cats with access to outside will use trees or branches as their scratching post. Why not make your own scratch post from left over pieces of soft wood? Of if you have a catio, place some branches, wooden planks or tree stumps for use as a scratching post.
Can I use second-hand feeding bowls for my cat?
The best choice of cat bowls for cats are made from ceramic, stainless steel or melamine. Not only do cats, generally, prefer dishes made of these materials, but they are easy to clean well. Second-hand bowls made from these materials will be suitable to use for feeding your cat. Check any bowls for chips, scratches or damage. These could damage your cat’s mouth and may also harbour bacteria. Second hand plastic bowls are best avoided. Plastic can absorb odours which may deter cats from eating or drinking.
Can I use a second-hand water fountain for my cat?
Just like humans, if cats do not drink enough water, they may become dehydrated therefore water is essential to your cat’s health. Encouraging cats to drink water can be challenging and it may take some time, patience, and various options to see what suits your cat. Have a look at our article ‘How much water does a cat need?’ for a greater insight into the importance of water intake for cats. The article also contains plenty of ideas on encouraging your cat to drink more water.
Whether or not your cat will drink from a water fountain is simply unknown until they give it a try! Buying a second hand or being offered a free water fountain can be a good way to see if it’s something that will be used by your cat. Ensure it is thoroughly cleaned before use. If it’s a hit with your cat then investing in your own water fountain, with the certainty that they will use it, will be worthwhile.
As for water bowls, the same guidance applies as for food bowls. Some cats simply do not like plastic bowls as they can leave a taste that cats do not like. They can also be harder to clean thoroughly. Opt for glass, ceramic or stainless steel bowls.
Can I use a second-hand cat bed for my cat?
Cats love to sleep! On average a cat will sleep for 15 hours a day, with some sleeping as much as 20 hours a day! It is therefore very important to give your cat a choice of suitable areas for sleeping. They will need areas which provide comfort, warmth, privacy and safety to ensure quality rest and sleep time. The importance of a variety of sleeping spots is especially important in a household with more than one cat. With wanting to provide several areas it can ne expensive to buy several cat beds. But are second-hand cat beds ok?
As with all material cat items, lingering odours are the main concern. However, unlike larger second-hand items such as cat trees and scratching posts, cat beds will usually be suitable to be washed in a washing machine. Check first the suitability of your washing detergents. Washing at high temperature will kill fleas, germs and parasites.
If you have a look at our article ‘Where should my cat sleep?’ there is a section showing the wide range of suitable areas that your cat is likely to enjoy sleeping. These options need not be expensive items – in fact, many cats adore a plain, simple cardboard box with a blanket! Why not buy your cat one new bed and then be creative using boxes, material, a warm window perch and blankets that you have to make other cosy napping areas.
Can I use a second-hand cat carrier for my cat?
A cat carrier is usually something that cat owners use on a fairly irregular basis. An annual check up at the vet, an unexpected veterinary visit when illness or injury occurs, or to be transported to a cattery or friend/relative to be looked after whilst you are away. If a long trip, or frequent trips are required, we strongly advise that you seek professional recommendations and guidance on choosing a comfortable, suitable cat carrier for the purpose. But for these short, infrequent trips, buying a second-hand cat carrier is perfect.
It is important though to check that is has no damage, and in particular, that the door fastenings are secure. Give the carrier several thorough washes (see the Top Tips below for recommended products) and leave to dry in the sunshine if possible. Using your cat’s favourite blanket in the carrier when transporting will provide a familiar smell and help make the carrier a little less daunting.
In Conclusion….
There are mixed views amongst cat owners, and veterinarians, regarding the use of second-hand goods for pets. This article from petmd.com gives an overview to the benefits and caution needed when using or purchasing second-hand pet items.
6 Top tips when buying second hand items for your cat
In summary, these are the 6 top tips when buying or being offered second-hand cat items:
- Inspect the items well for damage, wear, cleanliness and whether it is fit for purpose.
- Check materials and fabric items for odours, soils and stains, and parasites such as fleas. Remember that cats have a highly developed sense of smell. Scents, left by cats, can be lingering on items for a very long time. Even though our sense of smell may not detect the scent, our kitties may very well still be able to smell the previous cat’s scent.
- Clean any items thoroughly. Ensure any cleaning products used are safe for pet items. Safe items include Nature’s Miracle Oxy Pet Stain & Odor Remover and Weiman Carpet Cleaner.
- Cleaning may involve several stages to ensure both cleanliness and removal of potential parasites.
- If in doubt, do not use. The safety and wellbeing of your pet should be the primary factor.
- If using second cat products is not for you, there are plenty of other ways of being environmentally friendly. Look at making your own toys, using blankets and cushions that you no longer need to make a comfy bed or den for your cat or build your own little cat house out of left over wood and materials you may have.
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