Can you give arnica to cats and other homeopathic remedies for cats
In this article you will find information on treating your cat and further sources of information that is available from reputable homeopathic practitioners. Always consult a veterinary practitioner if you have any health concerns about your cat.
Homeopathy is an interesting topic with opinions ranging from firm believers to, maybe it works to, those who are completely non-believers. I first discovered homeopathy when seeking alternative options for an on-going minor health problem that I had. Having seen positive results my interest in the subject grew and I now often used homeopathy as an option for treating myself and my children with minor issues such as teething, sleeplessness etc. Having seen it work on little humans I then became curious as to whether it would work on animals and in particular, on cats.
What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy is a medical science developed by a German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843). It is based on the principle that “like cures like” meaning that any substance, which can produce symptoms in a healthy person, can cure similar symptoms in a person who is sick.
As homeopathy depends on identifying the mental, as well as physical, symptoms it is easier to achieve closer matches to identifying the most appropriate remedy in humans than in animals. However, observing the animal’s behaviour and how it reacts to situations, for example to noises, other animals, to humans, etc. will compensate for the lack of communication by speech. Pet owners will possibly be able to imagine how the animal is feeling, such as grief, separation anxiety, trauma after an operation, this will also aid in finding the most suitable remedy.
Homeopathic remedies are sourced from all kinds of natural sources – from plants, animals, minerals and mineral compound with other chemicals. Remedies also come in various potencies. Higher potencies may have a more intense action therefore require greater expertise in their use and so generally restricted to use by practitioners.
The delicate nature of the remedies requires them to be kept in cool, dry places away from strong light, if stored correctly, the remedies are long lasting.
Arnica for cats
Arnica is one of the most popular homeopathic remedies used – in both humans and animals. The arnica plant, Arnica montana is an alpine plant, related to the common daisy, grows in meadows up to 3,000 metres above sea level, where it is exposed to strong sunlight. The higher the altitude, the more aromatic the plant will become. The main uses of Arnica include bruising, pain relief swelling, arthritis, injuries and for the treatment of shock and trauma hence it’s widely used after surgery and childbirth. The homeopathic remedy arnica is incredibly helpful with mild injuries in your cat and one or two doses are usually sufficient.
Can Arnica cream be given to my cat?
While it is typically given orally, several homeopathic gels and ointments containing Arnica can be applied topically. However, cats have a tendency to lick off topical medications so their effectiveness will be more limited. Arnica, the plant, tincture, cream or gel should never be applied externally anywhere there is broken skin, cuts or abrasions (use Calendula or Hypericum in these cases).
How do I administer homeopathic remedies for my cat?
Remedies come in the form of tablets, powders and also as tinctures and water dilutions. Remedies work quickest when they are absorbed through the mouth directly into the blood stream. There is no one method that will suit every cat, owners will need to determine which is best for their cat. Some cats happily take tablets and powders or liquid in a syringe. If your cat is co-operative the best way is to crush the tablets between two spoons and place the powder on the cat’s tongue. Because the powder and tablets taste like lactose, cooperative cats will not have any problems in taking the remedy. For cats that are a little more difficult when it comes to taking medicine, the remedy can be mixed into their food or milk. The most important issue is avoiding undue stress on your cat.
As a brief guide, here are some of the remedies used for common ailments…
Listed below are some of the more common problems and illnesses that your cat may suffer with and how they may be treated with homeopathy. For more information on how to treat other symptoms there are a number of very informative books available (we have listed two at the bottom of this page).
Diseases of the Eyes, Ears and Mouth
What homeopathic remedy is best for conjunctivitis in cats?
- Natrum muriactium 12. As well as chronic discharge from the eye, other symptoms include discharge from the normal eye, anxiety, hair loss and a fear of being handled.
- Pulsatilla 4. This remedy is best if symptoms displayed are a red and swollen eyelid but not inflamed around the eye, discharge is yellow green pus after a few days.
- Euphrasia 3. Symptoms include thick irritating eye discharge, sensitive to light, swollen, and mild sniffles.
- Allium cepa 3. Heavy discharge from nose, tears, cough which are all worse when cat comes indoors.
What homeopathic remedy is best for eye injuries in cats?
- Calendula. An effective treatment is to moisten the wound with 20 drops of Calendula tincture in a cup of warm water, to be done about 3 or 4 times a day.
- Hepar sulphuris 12. One tablet 3 times a day until healing begins.
What homeopathic remedy is best for inflammation of the ear canal in cats?
Signs of an ear canal inflammation include your cat shaking her head and constantly scratching behind her ears.
- Arnica 30. For the first 3 days, an Arnica tablet can be given 4 times a day and then 2 times a day until discharge disappears. It can take between 8 and 21 days to clear.
What homeopathic remedy is best for teething in cats?
- Calcarera phosphoricum. It can be very beneficial if your cat is given this remedy during teething at about four months onwards as it will encourage the healthy growth of strong permanent teeth.
What homeopathic remedy is best for inflammation in the mouth in cats?
- Belladonna 4 & Echinacea1. These remedies work best in the initial stages of the inflammation. Inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth is known as Stomatitis and is often caused by bone splinters, fish bones, grass mold etc.
Diseases of the Respiratory Tract
What homeopathic remedy is best for colds in cats?
- Aconitum 6. At the first sign of a cold, recognised by several sneezes from your cat, this remedy is the one to be given to your cat. Aconitum can prevent the cold developing further.
- Belladonna 6. If the cold inflammation has already set in then this remedy is suggested for the second phase.
- Pulsatilla 4. If symptoms include great quantities of thick, yellow mild discharge.
- Allium cepa 3. Here the discharge is watery and irritating to the nose and lip, and lots of it! Symptoms tend to improve in the outdoors and worsen indoors.
What homeopathic remedy is best for tonsillitis in cats?
- Belladonna 4. This is the remedy for local inflammation and Belladonna is used for tonsillitis in humans too! One tablet, crushed, every two hours is recommended.
What homeopathic remedy is best for Pharyngitis in cats?
- Belladonna 6. If symptoms include a sore red throat.
- Mercurius solubilis 6. Recommended for severe inflammation.
- Baptisia 3. If it has spread to the tongue and your cat is not able to eat or drink.
What homeopathic remedy is best for Laryngitis in cats?
If your cat has laryngitis her meow will sound raw and hoarse along with pain, coughing and a fever
- Spongia 6. To be given initially every two hours until symptoms improve them 3 times a day until cured.
What homeopathic remedy is best if my cat has to have an operation?
- Arnica is excellent for promoting healing, relieving swelling and prevents haemorrhages. It has become the most commonly used homeopathic medicine around the world. Two days before the surgery Arnica 30 can be given twice a day, and after the surgery it can be given 3 times a day for 3 days.
Homeopathic kit for cats
If you want to get started with homeopathic treatment for your feline, you will need a basic homeopathy kit for pets which will give you basic remedies for treating common ailments. This Helios Pet Kit contains 24 remedies to cover the most common ailments and it comes with a little booklet with a guide to the remedies and ailments. By having a selection of homeopathic remedies to hand you can be prepared for most eventualities, and in an emergency situation, can administer remedies such as Arnica or Rhus tox whilst waiting for veterinary or medical help to arrive.
Useful reference books
For more details on a wider range of remedies we found these useful books:
Cats Homoeopathic Remedies – by George Macleod
George Macleod was one of the world’s foremost authorities on the homeopathic treatment of animals. He was one of the few veterinary surgeons to use homeopathic medicines wholly and exclusively.
Homeopathy for Your Cat: Remedies for Common Feline Ailments – by H.G. Wolf
This is a great book for an introduction to homeopathy for cats, covering the basics on a wide variety of homeopathic treatments (acute and chronic problems) for common cat ailments, including in symptoms of the ears, nose, and throat, the heart and circulatory system, the digestive organs, the ligaments, tendons, and joints, the reproductive system and urinary tract, and the skin.
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