Can cats share a food bowl? Can cats share a water bowl?
Whether you already have a multi cat household or are thinking about another kitty addition to your family, maintaining peace and happiness is priority. Does having more than one cat mean doubling up on everything? Is it a necessity or a luxury for your cats to have one each of everything or is it perfectly acceptable for them to share?
Cats aren’t usually keen on sharing. They are independent and self-sufficient animals where sharing doesn’t come naturally. Food is the key source for survival, and in the wild, cats would eat any prey that they had caught, alone. This natural instinct of eating alone and an unwillingness to share gives us an insight into the general feeding preferences of cats.
Can cats share a food bowl?
Having one food bowl is certainly easier in terms of washing up, space and ease for us humans. Cats may also eat out of the same bowl every day without displaying any obvious unhappiness. But this isn’t necessarily the best option. There are several reasons why separate food bowls are better for your cats:
Dietary requirements
There are various stages through a cat’s lifetime where their nutritional needs will vary. For example, kitten food and senior cat food will vary in their calorific value and in the proportion of vitamins and minerals. If one cat develops a medical condition such as diabetes or kidney disease, a special diet as advised by the veterinary will need to be followed. Weight management or weight loss for an obese cat is another example of where a specific diet is required. Such dietary requirements will be so much easier to manager if the cats are already used to eating their food out of their own specific bowls.
In a multi cat household, dominance and hierarchy can cause problems at mealtimes. Cats with equal hierarchy will not display problems in sharing a bowl and will accommodate each other. But dominance will often be displayed at mealtimes and can include
- pushing another cat away from the food bowl,
- dominant cat ensuring they have eaten first and be in control of how much and what is left,
- hissing and aggression if another cat tries to eat form the bowl,
- knocking over food bowls.
Providing separate food bowls can prevent dominance at mealtimes becoming an issue.
Tastes and preferences
Cat owners will very often be familiar will how fussy cats can be. And food and bowl preferences are no different. In our household, one cat will only eat dry food and the other will only eat wet food! Fussiness can also extend to the different brands and consistency of cat food! Some prefer food in jelly, others in gravy, pates, soup – the variety of food is endless and what one cat will enjoy, another cat may simply turn their nose at it.
Different shaped bowls and textures can vary too. Some cats simply dislike eating out of plastic bowls and prefer ceramic or glass. The shape of the bowl can be a factor too. Deep or narrow bowls can hurt highly sensitive whiskers. Providing each cat with their preferred food in their preferred bowl will ensure they are happy and satisfied. Happy cats mean a happy household for all members.
Correct amount of food
How much each cat eats can be difficult to control and monitor when eating out of the same bowl. Some cats will eat much quicker than others. A kitten or older cat may each much slower than another adult cat. This could result in the slower eater missing out on their food quota.
Can cats share a water bowl?
Water bowls are far less of an issue than food bowls. Cats naturally do not drink a lot of water and can go for quite a while without a drink. They will only drink when they feel thirsty and therefore it is highly unlikely that they will all go to the water bowl at the same time. Also, the water bowl will constantly be there and freely available unlike food which is served at specific mealtimes. Cats can be reluctant drinkers and can be extremely fussy when it comes to water. Factors such as water freshness, temperature, bowl shape and size, and taste, can all affect a cat’s drinking habits. It is therefore advisable to offer multiple water sources for your cats. This can include:
Water fountains – Most cats are fascinated by running water. Having a water fountain as one option will ensure a constant supply of flowing water.
Various bowls of different sizes and shapes – Water may taste different depending on the material of the bowl it is made from. Some cats prefer ceramic or stainless steel bowls to plastic. The shape of the bowl can be a factor too. If the bowl is too deep or narrow, it may be painful on highly sensitive whiskers.
Multiple water locations – Placing water bowls in different locations will give your cat options. This is particularly important in a multi cat household and it will help avoid any conflict if it happens that both cats need a drink at the same time.
Giving your cats several water drinking options should ensure they are happy and avoid the need for specific individual water bowls. Checkout our article ‘How much water should my cat drink’ for more information, and many more ideas on how to encourage your cat to drink more.
Do cats like double / dual water and food bowls?
The choice of food and water bowls on the market is vast. Double or dual stand cat bowls for food and water are widely available, and in some very cute attractive designs. But most cats do not like their food and water sources close together. Cats are reluctant water drinkers at best, and the scent of their food is enough to put them off drinking their water. They are also very fussy regarding their drinking water, and any food particles that may have got into their water is enough to put them off drinking their water too. If possible, food and water bowl should be kept apart in different locations.
Considerations when choosing water and food bowls for your cat
Choosing the right food and water bowls is an important decision. It’s so easy to be led astray by the cute colors and designs without giving the practicalities a second thought. Factors to consider when purchasing food and water bowls for your cats can include:
Material of the bowls
A high proportion of the cat and water bowls on the market are made of plastic. Apart from the conscious decision many of us are making to buy and use fewer plastic products, it is not recommended for food and water bowls for the following reasons:
- Many cats dislike the taste that plastic bowls can leave on their food and water
- Some cats can have an allergy to plastic
- Germs and bacteria can breed in the scratches and tiny cracks.
One of the best cat bowl materials is stainless steel or ceramic. These are easy to keep clean, durable, safe and preferred by most cats!
Size and shape of the bowls
Shallow and wide bowls are the best as this avoids any discomfort to a cat’s whiskers. Cats are also constantly vigilant and like to feel safe – a wide, shallow bowl will ensure they can still observe their surrounding wile they eat.
Ease of cleaning
Ensure bowls are easy to clean. Cats like clean food and water bowls and will not like eating and drinking from dirty bowls. Bowls that are dishwasher safe can be useful to give them a thorough clean.
Specific needs of your cat
Certain breeds of cats have flat faces. Bowls that have a slight angle on an elevation will make it easier for such breeds, like the Persian, to eat.
Adaptations may also have to be considered for elderly cats. As cats becomes older, some may find it tiring and possibly painful to bend down to eat from a flat surface. Locating food and water bowls on a little platform or changing the bowls to ones adapted for higher feeding will make feeding and drinking more comfortable.
Feeding mats
Having a place mat under the bowl can help keep the bowls sturdy. They are also useful to catch any food or water residue helping to keep your floors clean. The mats are easy to keep clean with a quick wipe. It can also be fun to choose some fun designs or even have some personalized for your cats!
Automatic feeders, activity feeders and water fountains
There are fabulous alternatives to bowls to serve up food and water to our feline friends.
Automatic feeders – these are programmable feeders that dispenses food at meal time. This ensures your cat can be fed during the day if you are away for a long period of time.
Activity feeders – these feeders involve activities which require your cat to work for her food. This can prevent boredom and increase mental and physical activity.
Water fountains – The flowing water of a water fountain will attract cats making them much more likely to take a few sips. It will taste much fresher than standing water in a bowl which may tempt the fussy drinkers.
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