Can cats help with anxiety? How having a cat can benefit us!
Various studies over the years have shown that owing a cat can indeed reduce stress, promote calmness and increase positivity which will contribute to reducing anxiety.
Can cats help with anxiety?
The short simple answer to this question, is YES! Cats can help with anxiety as well as our general health and well-being. Spending just 15 to 30 minutes of time with your cat can promote a feeling of wellness and calmness. What a beautiful way to lower stress levels and reduce anxiety by purely spending quality time interacting with your feline friend.
How does a cat help with anxiety?
So how exactly does owing a cat help with anxiety? Cats can help combat anxiety in several ways:
The healing power of stroking your cat
Cats are therapeutic to have as pets for the healing power of stroking. Stroking your cat releases oxytocin – the feel-good loving hormone which improves your mood and helps you release any stress and tension you are holding in your physical body. We all know the benefit of cuddles and cuddling your cat is no exception. Aim to stroke your cat every day, if not 2-3 times a day, to significantly feel a difference in your physical well being and improve your ability to relax and switch off.
Your cat will also enjoy a good fuss and stroking too. Pay extra attention to under their chin, behind their ears, rubbing their neck & massaging their cheeks. These spots will have your cat purring with delight.
The healing power of purring
Many people love and are drawn to the beautiful sound of cats purring and for good reason. They find cat purring soothing, relaxing and comforting especially when a cat really gets into its musical rhythm.
Science has proved that a cat’s purr has a beneficial effect on human health. A cat purrs at a vibrational rate of 20-140 hertz and as humans when we experience a vibrational rate of 18-35 hertz an hour science has shown a healing effect on joint mobility, bones, tendons and muscles. The release of endorphins activated by a cats purring has also been found to assist in soothing pain.
So next time your cat comes and sits on your lap and starts it’s musical purring enjoy and reap the benefits of its therapeutic abilities for 10-20 minutes.
Companionship and unconditional love
Despite being very independent animals, cats are also very loving. Apart from the benefits of purring and stroking, cats are very calming and soothing. When cats are happy, they can be very chilled and relaxed, and this seems to rub off on their owners too. This giving and receiving of unconditional love is a beautiful partnership. How wonderful it is to look forward to seeing each other after a day at work or just to look forward to sitting and chill together in an evening after a busy day.
This simple gift of companionship is one of the greatest things your cat can provide for you. Many of us lead busy hectic lives in today’s world which can become lonely. Increasing research shows there are links to associate loneliness with many kinds of illnesses and diseases. Increasingly more single people are becoming cat owners as they learn and benefit from the positive influences this can bring.
Effect of cats on hormones
Spending time with your cat, be it playing or relaxing giving your cat some well-earned fuss, will release the hormone serotonin. Serotonin is an important hormone that has many functions in the body. It is sometimes referred to as the happy hormone as it contributes to well-being and happiness.
Cats have also been known to have the effect of reducing the level of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is sometimes referred to as the stress hormone. When under stress the body releases cortisol which increases heart rate, increases blood pressure and blood glucose, respiration and tension in the muscles. Anxiety and depression are sometimes linked to high cortisol levels.
Responsibility and routine
Having to be responsible for your cat gives you a sense of purpose. As independent as they are, your cat will rely on you for food, water, warmth and comfort, and your attention and companionship for their well-being too. Cats like a little routine which will help you keep on track too. When you are focused on caring for someone else, it can help to take your mind off your own worries.
Play time
What better way to relieve anxious feelings by engaging in some playtime with your cat. When they are not sleeping, cats love to run around and play. They are very energetic and can be amusing to watch.
A loyal friend
Anxiety can make you feel very lonely and isolated. Social events can be very challenging, even visitors calling by can seem taxing. The friendship of a cat will ensure that you never feel lonely or isolated. And those unexpected guests – your feline friend will often be the center of attention, a great talking point, and even a source of entertainment.
Who can cats help?
Cats can help absolutely anyone! Children, the elderly, a family unit, a working professional – indeed anyone! As long as you are prepared to care and love your cat well, the mutual benefits can work for anyone.
Other health benefits of owing a cat
As well as helping with anxiety, cats can provide other health benefits too.
- A cat can reduce the risk of a heart attack; indeed, one study claims that cat owners were 40% less likely to die from a heart attack than non cat-owners.
- A study by the University of Minnesota showed that if you owned a cat you were between 30 and 40% less likely to die from cardiovascular disease.
- This article has explored the many psychological benefits of caring for a cat which in turn can reduce stress levels. Continually high stress levels can affect your physical and mental well-being and any steps that can be taken to reduce stress on a daily level will have a positive impact on our lives.
- In turn, reducing stress and anxiety can reduce blood pressure. Quiet time with your cat whilst benefiting from the power of stroking your cat will induce calmness and reduce blood pressure.
- All the positive, feel good hormones released by enjoying time with your cat will improve your immune function. Cats will often sense too when you are under the weather and provide reassurance and solace.
- Anxiety and depression can often be closely linked, the benefits described to help ease anxiety can equally ease the symptoms of depression.
- According to research by the American Humane Association, there is a reduced risk of allergies if a cat is introduced to your home before your child arrives into the world. This is based on the theory that by giving the immune system a natural factor to work on, it will develop as the child grows.
- Having cats can also reduce the risk of developing asthma in children. According to the ‘American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology’, if children are exposed to cats in their early years there is a reduced risk of developing asthma.
There is no doubt that having a cat can significantly help in reducing your anxiety. But the positive benefits run far deeper than just reducing anxiety. All the above factors, from mutual love and caring, release of various hormones, to improved general wellness, significantly improve the chances of living a longer, healthier life simply by owning a cat.
If we love our cat, they will love us always in return, and that’s what makes our relationships with our cats special & loving. Enjoy your time with your cat as energetically they are very aware and very psychic and can bring enormous benefits to our lives if we give them energetically the space to do so.
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