Can you give your cat a popsicle? and how to keep your cats cool in the sun
It was a beautiful hot sunny Sunday afternoon in June, the whole family basking in the sun enjoying a cooling refreshing popsicle when our daughter suggested that wouldn’t it be wonderful to give our cats, Misty and Bella Boo, a cooling treat! Which got us thinking…can you give your cat a popsicle? Therefore after some research and some feedback from our feline friends this is what we discovered. Are popsicles and ice creams safe for cats? To keep your cat healthy, don’t feed them sugary foods. Although sugar isn’t toxic to cats, to keep your cat healthy you should not give them sugary foods as it can cause obesity, cause…
Can you give arnica to cats and other homeopathic remedies for cats
In this article you will find information on treating your cat and further sources of information that is available from reputable homeopathic practitioners. Always consult a veterinary practitioner if you have any health concerns about your cat. Homeopathy is an interesting topic with opinions ranging from firm believers to, maybe it works to, those who are completely non-believers. I first discovered homeopathy when seeking alternative options for an on-going minor health problem that I had. Having seen positive results my interest in the subject grew and I now often used homeopathy as an option for treating myself and my children with minor issues such as teething, sleeplessness etc. Having seen…
Has my cat been poisoned? Symptoms-Causes-Treatment
As cat owners we haven’t had a poisoning experience so far, and we hope we never will, but we feel it’s important to gain as much knowledge on the subject as we can as a cat’s inquisitive character can put them at risk of ingesting or coming into contact with poisonous substances. Cats may ingest poisons from a variety of sources; see details below for various dangers. If you think your cat has been poisoned, even if there are no visible signs, take him/her immediately to the vet for professional advice. Take with you a sample of what has been swallowed if this is possible. If the poisonous substance is…
Should I let my cat outside at night? Indoor or outdoor cat?
This subject can be contentious, for us it was an easy decision because we weren’t even planning on having a pet, let alone one that lived in the house. So when we rescued Misty we set her up in the garden room/shed, after the initial 7 weeks of getting her acclimatised to us and vice versa and making sure she was fit and healthy we gradually let her out during the day, supervised at first, but it soon became clear that it was impossible to contain her within our garden boundary. Whilst our daughter agonised at letting her out (and still does), we took this decision early on because we…