30 fabulous reasons to own a cat
Cats are one of the most popular pets owned around the world. They are cute, affectionate, great company and very loyal. If you are debating about whether to have a kitty addition to your family, then allow us to give you these thirty reasons why this will be the best decision ever. These reasons are wide and varied from health claims to fun facts and will leave you wondering why you didn’t have a cat in the first place.
1. Cats are great companions
You will never feel lonely with a cat, they will become your best friend. This simple gift of companionship is one the of the greatest things your cat can provide for you and vice versa. Many of us lead busy lives in today’s hectic world which can become lonely at times. The unconditional love of a cat is a beautiful partnership. From crazy play time to cuddles on your lap, they will enjoy your love and friendship as much as you will adore theirs. The excitement when you arrive home, the rubbing against your legs, the meowing and purring are all signs of love and affection from your cat. To your cat you are everything, a parental figure, a friend, a play buddy and a protector – this adoration is pure magic. To you, your cat becomes your family, your friend, your companion.
2. They can be very entertaining
Cats are so much fun – be it play time for the both of you or simply sitting back and watching them in their daily routines of grooming, scratching or playing. If you are lucky enough to own two or more cats, then the entertainment is simply doubled. Watching them chase each other, playing hide and seek or simply curling up together for cozy nap times, you simply never get tired of watching them.
3. Cats are very clean animals
A cat spends a great deal of her daily time grooming and this is a perfectly natural behavior. They will groom several times a day ensuring their coat is kept in a clean, pristine condition. Of course, you can always aid the grooming process by brushing your cat’s fur, this can be very relaxing for both you and your cat. Older cats may require a helping hand sometimes but again, this can be a quality bonding time for you both.
4. Cats are very independent
This independence makes cats a fairly low maintenance choice of pets. If everyone is out of the house for most of the day, as long as your cat has access to food, water, litter and toys they can pretty much take care of themselves until you return home. Your cat will quickly adapt to the daily routine and will no doubt be looking forward for your return for some quality time together.
5. No more rodents in your house or yard
Be assured that rats, mice or voles will not be safe with a cat around. Cats are excellent hunters and will hunt to satisfy their natural instincts. Be prepared though that your cat may decide to bring you their prey as a gift! Whether this is a sign of affection for you as their owner, or to satisfy their need to provide for the family, it is indeed meant as a positive, helpful act!
6. No more spiders or bugs either
It’s not only the rodents that are hunted, anything that moves can be potentially seen as prey. A fly hovering by the window sill or a spider creeping out from a dark corner are all subject to your cat’s pounce. Absolutely perfect if you are not a fan of creepy crawlies!
7. Benefits from a cat’s purring
Many people find cat purring soothing, relaxing and comforting especially when a cat really gets into its musical rhythm. Science has proved that a cat’s purr has a beneficial effect on human health. A cat purrs at a vibrational rate of 20-140 hertz and as humans when we experience a vibrational rate of 18-35 hertz an hour science has shown a healing effect on joint mobility, bones, tendons and muscles. The release of endorphins activated by a cats purring has also been found to assist in soothing pain. Therefore, owing a cat can allow you to reap the benefits of its therapeutic abilities.
8. Healing power of stroking your cat
Cats are indeed therapeutic to have as pets for the healing power of stroking too. The process of stroking your cat releases oxytocin – the feel-good hormone which improves your mood and helps you release any stress and tension you are holding in your physical body. We all know the benefit of cuddles and cuddling your cat is no exception. A quiet session stroking your cat every day, preferably 2-3 times a day and it is very likely indeed you will feel a positive difference in your physical wellbeing and improve your ability to relax and switch off. Your cat will certainly enjoy a good fuss and stroke too. Pay extra attention to under their chin, behind their ears, rubbing their neck & massaging their cheeks. These spots will have your cat purring with delight.
9. Cats promotes a feeling of wellness and calmness
The release of oxytocin from stroking your cat, the endorphins released by tuning in to a cat’s rhythmical purring and the general feed good factor of mutual love and companionship all contribute to increase your feeling of calmness and wellness. Simply watching your cat sprawled out sleeping in a cozy basket or in front of a glowing fire can only add to the feeling of serenity and relaxation. This feel good factor can only mean a positive impact on your mind and body.
10. Cats are loyal
Cats have often befriended the elderly & the lonely. They will visit and stay with the person of their choice and anyone’s claims to ownership are disputed by none more than the cat itself. The saying goes that you don’t own a cat rather the cat owns you! If you don’t treat your cat right, they will certainly go and find a new home. And if you do care for them well, they can be a companion for the duration.
11. You do not need to own a large home and garden to own a cat
Unlike some pets, you do not need to own a large house or garden to own a cat. Whatever space you have available, this can be adapted to suit your cat’s needs. Plenty of climbing areas such as ‘cat tree’ and ‘cat shelves’ will provide the additional vertical space your cat will need to keep them happy and satisfied.
12. Eco-friendly pet choice
The focus on green living is becoming a greater priority for all of us. A cat does have a smaller carbon footprint than some other pets, but you can go a step further and reduce your pet’s footprint by buying eco-friendly pet supplies when possible. This can include eco- friendly litter, flea and tick remedies from natural products. Opting for beds and toys made from organic fabrics or recycled materials will also help the cause.
13. Cat wisdom
By spending time with our cats observing their quirky traits and their efficiency and perfectionisms in setting about their tasks, we soon realise that cats demonstrate great wisdom. Lessons such as persistence, gratitude, responsibility and contentment are merely a few examples of life lessons that can be gleaned from our feline friends. Applying such simple and inspiring lessons to our own lives can only enrich our existence.
14. Inside or outside cat
Cat owners vary in their views on whether cats should remain indoor pets or be allowed to roam outside. You can decide what suits you and your circumstances. If heavy traffic nearby makes you nervous then enjoy an indoor cat but if you feel the green countryside is calling your cat for adventures, then an outside cat it is. You may enjoy our articles ‘ What is a catio’ and ‘Should I let my cat outside at night’ for some interesting compromises on this decision.
15. Just simply cuteness overload
Be it a playful super cute little kitten or a calm, wise old cat the cute factor is simply off the scale. Watching a cute ball of fluff every day can only make you smile…..constantly!
16. Your own personal alarm clock
You will never need another electrical or battery-operated alarm clock if you get yourself a cat! They simply won’t let you forget that they need breakfast.
17. Indulge in your favourite names
Your cat won’t punish you if you indulge a crazy name on them. Be it your favourite rock star, film character or a name that simply makes you smile or chuckle, it’s a great opportunity to use that name!
18. Soothing purring to aid sleeping
Many cat owners say that the soothing purring of a cat helps them to go to sleep. Some even claim that it cures their insomnia. Be it the gentle white noise effect of the purring or the warmth of the cat’s body laid again you, if it results in a good night’s sleep then everyone is a winner. A study conducted by the Mayo Clinic Center for Sleep medicine concluded from their findings that 41% of people in the study slept better because of their pet.
19. You can teach your cat tricks too.
Whilst it is easy to assume that only dog owners have the fun of teaching their pet tricks, this is untrue. Cats can be trained too. Clicker training is very effective for training cats and for changing inappropriate behaviors. It is a reward-based training technique based on the scientific premise that animals (not just cats) repeat behaviors. Clicker training can be used to teach cats tricks such as shaking hands, jumping through hoops and rolling over. It is also effective for stopping unwanted behaviors. In simple terms, the new actions or behaviors are immediately followed by a reward or a positive consequence.
20. Cats can sense when you are unwell
Cats are very sensitive and empathic animals. Some cat owners say that cats’ sense when their owners are ill. Cats can certainly sense a change in mood, behavior or indeed anything that affects their daily schedules. Some claim that cats can also detect both physical and psychological illnesses. The extent of their ability to detect illnesses is unfounded but there is no doubt in our mind of their sensitiveness to changes.
21. You can join the crazy world of catification
As soon as little miss or master cat joins your family your life will never be dull. Your whole world begins to revolve around them, and you find yourself adapting everything to accommodate their comfort. And this can be so much fun. Indeed, it is such a thing that it is recognised as ‘catification’ – adding décor and furniture items to your home to meet the needs of both you and your cat, spatially and aesthetically. For example, find a quirky litter box that looks pretty, add cat shelves inspired by a piece of art or build a catio! See our article about building a catio – our cats love it!
22. Owing a cat can improve your mental health
It is easy to get caught up in today’s busy, fast pace of life which, if not managed carefully, can lead to stress or anxiety. Various studies over the years have shown that owing a cat can indeed reduce stress, promote calmness and increase positivity which will contribute to reducing anxiety. Spending just 15 to 30 minutes of time with your cat can promote a feeling of wellness and calmness. What a beautiful way to lower stress levels and reduce anxiety then spending quality time interacting with your feline friend.
23. Cats can lower your risk of heart disease
We’ve seen several ways listed above how owning a cat can help us to relax and to reduce stress. This in turn will have a positive effect in reducing the risk of heart disease and strokes. One study claimed that the risk can be lowered by around 30% just by owing a cat.
24. For you single men…..
Single guys looking for a lady, the answer seems to be to get a cat! A staggering 90% of women, in a recent poll, said that men who owned cats seemed ‘nicer’ and ‘more caring’ than guys who don’t own a cat.
25. Cats as support in grief
The grief of losing someone you love, a pet or a different kind of loss can be overwhelming and an extremely difficult process for many. Grief can vary from person to person and can leave people with feelings of sadness, loneliness, fatigued and depressed. Although coming to terms with bereavement takes time there are many tools to help through the process. One way that can help ease this pain is to own a pet. Cats can help someone process the loss, be it their companionship, or having someone else to care for, or sometimes actually talking to your cat can help. Their empathic, sensitive nature allows them to be emotionally tuned in to their human family and help them through difficult times.
26. They can save your life!
This may seem a bold statement but there are indeed many tales of heroic cats. A number of cats have saved their owners lives, or the lives of others. Just a few remarkable stories include:
- a cat in the UK reportedly warns his owner when he’s about to have an epilepsy seizure;
- Lucy, a Californian family cat, was found crouching by the child protecting the boy from a deadly rattlesnake that had found its way into his room;
- several stories involve cats alerting their owners of gas leaks and thus preventing major explosions;
- similarly, cats have been known to awake or alert owners of carbon monoxide leaks;
- detecting cancerous tumours is another lifesaving skill that several cats have shown by repeatedly pawing at a particular area on their humans’ body.
These are just a few examples of tales – old and new – of heroic cats.
27. Boost immunity
The exposure to cat fur and dander can boost the immunity. This exposure increases the resistance to allergens and in turn decreases the risk to asthma and other allergies.
28. Internet cat stars
Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram – they are all bombarded daily with cute cat videos, pictures or a funny or heroic tale. And these heart-warming photos and stories provide a much-needed positive break from the tragic or depressing news. Indiana University Bloomington conducted a study of over 7000 people and found that by simply watching cat videos online boosted their positivity and energy.
29. Increase sociability
Being a cat owner can be a great conversation starter. Your love and interest in cats can help you meet new people and have long conversations with other cat owners. So much fun can be had meeting other cat crazy people!
30. Benefits to kids of having a pet cat
Last, but by no means least, the joy and benefits that a pet can bring to your children are immense. I can certainly vouch for this in our household. It is easy to see a pet as more work and more responsibility when quite frankly, as parents, we are already running ragged most of the time. But cats can be the perfect family pet. Apart from all the reasons listed above, which many will apply to the younger members of the family, here are a few benefits specifically why a cat will enrich a child’s life:
There is not greater way to demonstrate what love is than through a cat. A cat can teach your child how to love and how to be loved. They soon will become the best of friends and this can be particularly helpful for an only child. Their cat will always be there for them for some company or to take part in some playful fun time.
Teaching of patience
Cats will not do anything they don’t want to! So, sitting back sometimes and waiting until they are ready to partake will certainly require patience.
Lower stress levels
Pressure of exams, peer pressure, social media pressures are all things our children learn to cope with, some doing so better than others. In our household, spending time with Misty and Boo is an escape, it’s some quiet, reflective time away from computers and study books. We’ve seen above the health benefits of cat purring and stroking, perfect for helping kids too.
Reduction in asthma risk
According to the ‘American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology’ if children are exposed to cats in their rarely years there is a reduced risk of developing asthma.
Reduced risk of allergies
Similarly, the American Humane Association conducted research that showed there is a risk of allergies if a cat is introduced into the home before a child arrived into the world. This is based on the theory that by giving the immune system a natural factor to work on it will develop as the child grow.
Enlisting your child in some of the jobs required to look after your family cat will teach them the important of responsibility. Skills such as being organised, allowing time for chores, remembering what needs to be done are all simple but valuable life skills. Our daughter, at 13, is wholly responsible for the day to day care of our two cats and does it with care and pride. Younger children can help with feeding, brushing cat’s coat and play time.
Comfort in tough times
Little things can bother children hugely – a hard time at school, a scuffed knee or having left a favourite toy on a train. Very often a quality cuddle with their cat can make it all seem that little bit better. Sometimes, children also must deal with loss of a loved one, or a broken marriage, and in theses circumstances their loyal cat can be their go to for love and some time out to process.
Teaching of empathy
Understanding and respecting the needs of others, be they human or animal, is a key life lesson. Having the responsibility of a cat to care for and to be intuitive to the cat’s needs and desires will teach your child the lesson of empathy.
Engaging in play time with their cat and watching them hide behind things before pouncing will ensure both your cat and child will keep each other amused.
And there we have it, 30 reasons to own a cat. If you now decide that a feline friend is a must for you and your family be sure to check out other articles on our site for lots of information on caring for your cats.