How to weigh your cat
There are several ways that you can weigh your cat: 1. Take your cat to be weighed at the veterinary Your veterinary practice will have scales specifically designed to weigh cats. These scales will have precise graduations for accurate readings. The scales will have a large area suitable for your cat to sit on whilst being weighed. 2. Purchase your own cat scales to weigh your cat at home If your cat’s weight needs to be monitored closely it may be worth investing in having your own cat scales at home. This will allow you to monitor your cat’s weight accurately and as often as you need to. There are…
30 fabulous reasons to own a cat
Cats are one of the most popular pets owned around the world. They are cute, affectionate, great company and very loyal. If you are debating about whether to have a kitty addition to your family, then allow us to give you these thirty reasons why this will be the best decision ever. These reasons are wide and varied from health claims to fun facts and will leave you wondering why you didn’t have a cat in the first place. 1. Cats are great companions You will never feel lonely with a cat, they will become your best friend. This simple gift of companionship is one the of the greatest things…
16 Top tips to ensure the senior years are comfortable for your old cat
When is a cat classed as a senior cat? At the age of 10, you cat is officially classed as a ‘senior’ but with good health, a little extra care, and attention, your cat could live until 18, 19, even into her early 20’s. Although there is no need to be alarmed that your beloved cat is reaching old age it is a good idea to be aware of what ageing signs to look out for and what can be done to ensure that the senior years are as comfortable as possible. Firstly, let’s look at the signs to look out for in the older years of a cat’s life:…