Why do cats meow? Cat communication – a complete guide
Have you ever wondered what your cat is trying to tell you? Ever wondered how they communicate with each other? Cats are excellent at expressing their feelings and communicating their emotions very clearly to each other, and to humans. Here is your ultimate guide to cat communuication
The energetic power of cats and their spiritual meaning
For centuries cats have been prized for the independent companionship they have provided humans. Legends and myths have created the image of mad cat ladies and black magical cats owned by cauldron stirring witches, with cats themselves indeed acclaimed for casting spells. But are cats energetically powerfully? Do they have skills beyond that which most of us know? The Healing Power Of Stroking a Cat Cats have befriended the elderly & the lonely. They will visit and stay with the person of their choice and anyone’s claims to ownership are disputed by none more than the cat itself. The saying goes that you don’t own a cat rather the cat…