18 games to play with your cat
Do I need to spend time playing with my cat? Both indoor and outdoor cats need to be provided with a stimulating and safe indoor environment. But it is particularly important for indoor cats to be entertained and to have their natural instincts satisfied. Spending a little time every day playing games with your cat will boost your relationship and is a great way to get to know and understand each other better. Some cats just don’t like to be picked up or stroked but may be more than happy to spend a little time having fun playtime. Other benefits of play time with your cat includes: Exercise for your cat,…
Tips for travelling with your cat – by car, train, bus or plane
Unlike us humans’ cats do not get excited at the prospect of a trip away or a fun holiday, therefore unless circumstances dictate otherwise your cat would probably prefer to stay at home in the comfort of their familiar environment. Getting a friend or neighbour to cat-sit while you are away will be less stressful for your cat. They like routine, the safety of their home surroundings and tend to get stressed with any major changes. But, if leaving your cat at home is not an option, or you are moving home and have a one-way trip coming up for your cat, then preparation is key to ensure the journey…
8 common toileting problems in cats – and how to solve them!
Urination and defecations are normal functions in all animals. This process ensures bodily fluids and wastes are eliminated from the body in order to keep healthy. It’s also a way for cats to mark their territory, as well as spraying, letting other cats know that this area belongs to them! But every now and then this process can cause problems when illnesses or issues that causes stress or anxiety arise. Here we will look at some common problems and steps that can be taken to solve the problem. If any of the following problems apply to you, of you have any concerns or changes in your cat’s toileting problems, your…