Can I give soup / broth to my cat?
One of our cats is a lot fussier than the other – whilst Boo will eat anything and everything, Misty is a great deal fussier. She will happily eat dry food but tends to lick the gravy or the jelly on wet food and leave the meat chunks. Cats seem to certainly know what they like or dislike, not only with taste but with texture too. When we came across brands selling soup for cats we decided to investigate further, is soup for cats a good meal for cats? Ready to buy cat soup Several of the major cat food brands including Sheba, Whiskers and Gourmet now offer soup…
Best foods for a toothless cat
The main reason an adult cat may lose her teeth is due to gum disease, and older cats are most at risk or it may be that your cat has had to have them removed by surgery for other various reasons. Either way, it’s important to understand the best way to feed your cat to ensure she’s still receiving the calories and the nutrients needed to remain healthy. Why do cats lose their teeth? Just like humans, cats firstly develop milk teeth. These milk teeth appear in the first 3 to 4 weeks of a kitten’s life. The first milk tooth is usually lost at about 3-4 months and by…
What is a catio / cat enclosure?
A catio is an outdoor enclosure for cats. A patio for cats! It’s a safe enclosure that allows your cat healthy exercise time and the enrichment of outdoor stimulation whilst protecting them from outside dangers such as cars and poisons. CAT + PATIO = CATIO A little research on the Internet revealed that catios are a growing trend. Concerns regarding traffic, theft, diseases and neighbouring pets are a constant concern for cat owners therefore a catio provides a solution between protecting their pets yet allowing cats the freedom of enjoying the outdoors. Benefits of a catio Whether your cat is an indoor or outdoor cat there are many benefits to…
Does my cat need sunscreen?
Whilst we are all frantically applying sunscreen on ourselves, and our children, in this glorious hot weather, it raises the question of whether we need to apply sunscreen on our cats too? We are all aware of the potential danger to human skin from over exposure to harmful UV rays and awareness needs to be made that pets too can suffer sunburn from too much time in the sun. The sun emits both UVA (long wave ultraviolet A) and UVB (short wave ultraviolet B) – UVB rays cause sunburn and UVA rays can lead to skin cancer. Which cats are at risk to sunburn? Light coloured cats, in particular white…